New spencer tracy biography katharine hepburn
Katharine hepburn & spencer tracy
Katharine Hepburn was a renowned actress known for her strong performances and her complex, devoted relationship with fellow actor Spencer Tracy over three decades.
Best katharine hepburn, spencer tracy movies
Today and tomorrow in The Seattle Times, Scene is running excerpts from the new book, "An Affair to Remember: The Remarkable Love Story of Katharine Hepburn and .
How many times was katharine hepburn married
Spencer Tracy and Katherine Hepburn graced the front pages of newspapers, and journalists even used photo montage to add another woman to the picture - Louise Tredwell, Tracy's .
What did spencer tracy died of
Spencer Tracy once hit Katharine Hepburn, his devoted mistress for 26 years, but she refused to make a scene of it, thinking his action more pathetic than violent, a new .